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Food, Nutrition, Wellness Elizabeth Mae Food, Nutrition, Wellness Elizabeth Mae

Food Quality: When do I eat organic, conventional, grass-fed...and why?

There is no getting around the fact that purchasing high-quality food is more expensive than purchasing conventional food. Fruits and vegetables that are grown organically and meats and other dairy products that are pasture-raised and grass-fed are the better, more nutrient-dense option to consume for our health, but the ole wallet can take quite a hit if that is all we purchase.

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Nutrition, Wellness Elizabeth Mae Nutrition, Wellness Elizabeth Mae

10 Signs You May Have Hypochlorhydria

Hoping your heartburn away? Wishing you could control your heartburn pain, gas and bloat with a more natural solution than a sleeve of Tums? Looking for a natural way to stomach heartburn in its tracks? Here’s what happens when your digestion is dysfunctional from the very start.

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